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Pride September 2013 - Bishop Guertin High School" width="208" height="300" />
Boys Continued BG Sweater/Blazer: ONLY the BG sweater, BG sweater vest or BG blazer may be worn. All may be purchased in the bookstore, or through the uniform company. The wearing of the sweater/ blazer is optional throughout the school year. Slacks: Slacks shall be solid, neat, presentable, professional dress slacks in a shade of black, brown/khaki, or blue. No top stitching of slacks will be acceptable. Slacks must be worn appropriately at the waist or hip so that no undergarments are visible at any time. Jeans, cords, baggies, cargos, carpenters, stretch or spandex pants, slit or frayed pants, pants with rivets, are unacceptable. Belts: Solid color belts must be worn. Shoes: Closed toe, hard-soled dress shoes. Leather or suede shall be considered acceptable dress. Athletic shoes, skate shoes, slipper-type, Uggsstyle, hiking boots, or work boots are unacceptable. Socks: Only solid in color and must be worn at all times. Hair: Hair should be neatly trimmed, not beyond the collar and not a distraction. (Unnaturally styled or bizarre colored hair is unacceptable.) Tightly curled styles beyond three inches from the scalp shall be considered a distraction. Neatly trimmed mustaches and beards are acceptable. Hats: Hats and bandanas are not a part of the BG dress code and are not to be worn within the school at any time. Jewelry: Earrings or pierced jewelry of any kind is unacceptable. Visible neck jewelry and bracelets are unacceptable. Additional dress code information can be found on the web: www.bghs.org, in the student planner or parent handbook. B i s h o p G u e r t i n H i g h S c h o o l Dress Code Information From the office of the Vice-Principal for Student Life 603-889-4107 Extension 4314