Get answers to commonly asked questions about CDA credentialing.
Council for Professional Recognition
1441 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
(800) 424-4310
Please note: These questions do not apply toward the Home Visitor CDA credentialing program. For information on how to earn a Home Visitor CDA credential, click here.
Through the development and administration of professional standards and procedures accreditation is offered to certify early childhood professionals in the field of early childhood education.
The CDA National Credentialing Program is a professional development opportunity for early educators working with children ages birth to 5 years old to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in the early childhood education field. The CDA credentialing program assesses Candidates using multiple sources evidence, including an exam, observation and professional portfolio with resources and competency statements prepared by the Candidate.
The CDA Credential both initially and at renewal periods is a professional development opportunity for early educators at all levels of education and experience. The early childhood education field is constantly evolving and it is important for educators to stay current with key education practices.The CDA demonstrates your knowledge, skills and abilities when working with young children, as well as your commitment to career advancement and professionalism.
A center-based program must have: (1) at least 10 children enrolled in the program (not necessarily in the Candidate’s group), and (2) at least two caregivers working with the children on a regular basis.
Please review the CDA Credential settings below to determine which best describes your work with young children:
To apply for your initial CDA Credential, the cost is $425 for online applications and $500 for paper applications. CDA candidates save $75 by applying online!
To renew your CDA Credential, the cost is $150 for paper applications. Candidates who apply online will receive a $25.00 discount and the cost for renewal is $125.00.
Payment for both initial and renewal CDA applications are due in full at the time of application.
“R.O.R.” stands for Review-Observe-Reflect®. The R.O.R Model® tasks are undertaken by the PD Specialist. They contribute to the assessment of the Candidate’s competency.
During the CDA Verification Visit®, the specialist:
The Professional Portfolio is compiled independently by each Candidate as part of the CDA credentialing process. The compiled resources and documents are reviewed by the CDA PD Specialist during the CDA Verification Visit. The Professional Portfolio is composed of:
Family Questionnaires are a required component of the CDA Professional Portfolio. Candidates are required to distribute the questionnaires to the families they serve and include them in their CDA Professional Portfolio. The Family Questionnaires allow the Candidate to review and address feedback from the families they serve to aid in their professional development.
The CDA PD Specialist conducts the CDA Verification Visit with the Candidate. During the CDA Verification Visit the CDA PD Specialist:
At the end of the CDA Verification Visit, the CDA PD Specialist electronically submits the Candidate’s scores to the Council.
For a detailed description of the CDA Credentialing process, please select the setting for which you be applying to earn your CDA Credential: Center-Based Preschool, Center-Based Infant-Toddler, Family Child Care and Home Visitor.
The eligibility requirements to apply for a CDA Credential are as follows:
Yes, if you are income eligible, the state may pay for all or part of your training. The state may also cover the assessment fee. To determine if you are eligible, please contact your state office for detailed information about available funding.
Additionally, please visit our CDA Scholarships page for a list of organizations by state who provide financial assistance to individuals who wish to pursue a CDA Credential.
The Council for Professional Recognition does not provide training nor do we specifically endorse any training program or CDA curriculum. It is the Candidate’s responsibility to evaluate and select a training organization, agency or institution to complete their training.
While formal education hours can be for credit or noncredit, they must be earned through an agency or organization with expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. The Council does not accept training provided by individual consultants.
Yes, these Candidates are eligible to apply for the CDA Credential.
Formal education hours can be for credit or noncredit, however, they must be earned through an agency or organization with expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. The agency or organization must verify your education in the form of an official transcript, certificate, or letter. The Council does not accept training provided by individual consultants.
Yes, please visit our online bookstore to view materials available in Spanish.
Candidates who wish to obtain a bilingual specialization must work in a bilingual setting that requires the Candidate to speak both languages daily and consistently and have a working knowledge of two languages.
It is the Council’s commitment to provide a standardized and fair assessment for all eligible CDA Candidates. Prior to submitting the CDA Application, a CDA Candidate with a documented disability should submit the Special Accommodations Request Form to the Council.
Candidates must complete 120 hours of formal early childhood education training, covering the growth and development of children ages birth to 5 years, with no fewer than 10 training hours in each of the 8 CDA Subject Areas:
While formal education hours can be for credit or noncredit, they must be earned through an agency or organization with expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. Training will not be accepted from independent consultants nor conference workshops for an initial CDA Credential application. The agency or organization must verify your education in the form of an official transcript, certificate, or letter.
You are required to complete 480 hours of professional work experience with young children. Your work experience must be with children of the correct age according to the CDA setting for which you are applying.
Eligible professional work experience hours include:
Paid or volunteer hours and must be completed before you submit your CDA Initial Application.
Non-eligible work experience hours include:
Note: Babysitting, Before and After School Programs, Sunday school programs, and Drop in Programs are not eligible settings where a Candidate can prove his or her competence around the Competency Standards and experience hours in these settings should not be counted towards the 480 hours of experience.
Candidates applying for an initial CDA Credential are required to purchase a CDA Competency Standards book in the setting of their work with children. The CDA Competency Standards books gives Candidates a detailed guide through the CDA credentialing process and requirements.
Also available is the Essentials for Working with Young Children textbook and Essentials Workbook. Together, these books assist the Candidate prepare the CDA Professional Portfolio, study for the CDA Exam and offer a number of resources the Candidate can use in the classroom.
Purchase all three and save, see CDA Value Packages in the Council Bookstore.
Pearson VUE is the Council’s partner for delivering the CDA Exam at testing centers all over the country. The Council has partnered with Pearson VUE in order to create a more powerful professional development experience for CDA Candidates.
In order to properly complete your application process, you will need to find a nearby PD Specialist to conduct your CDA Verification Visit. To assist you with this process, we have created the Find-A-PD Specialist Online Directory.
To use the Find-A-PD Specialist Online Directory, Candidate’s enter their work zip code, their classroom setting and the language in which they teach into the database. The database will generate the names and descriptions of PD Specialists nearest to the Candidate. The Candidate then selects the nearest PD Specialist and sends a request to the PD Specialist to conduct their CDA Verification Visit. If the PD Specialist is available to complete the verification visit, they will respond to the Candidate with their PD Specialist ID number. The PD Specialist ID number is required to complete and submit the CDA application.
CDA PD Specialists who successfully complete the CDA PD Specialist training receive an official Identification Number (ID #) from the Council. The CDA PD Specialist ID # is a required field on the CDA application.
The Candidate receives the CDA PD Specialist ID # once the CDA PD Specialist has agreed to conduct the CDA Verification Visit. Please note: CDA PD Specialist ID #s are not to be shared between Candidates, the agreement to conduct the CDA Verification Visit is per Candidate, per visit.
To complete the CDA credentialing process you must:
All training must have been taken under the auspices of an early childhood training agency that has expertise in teacher preparation. Official documentation of the training must be provided in the form of a certificate, letter on official letterhead or a college transcript.
Training documentation should include the following: Training agency’s name and address (seal/logo), Candidate’s name, date of the training session(s), content area, number of hours successfully completed, and an authorized signature.
How do I convert my clock hours into training hours?
Please use the following formulas to convert your clock hours to training hours:
1 CEU = 10 clock hours
1 Semester Credit = 15 clock hours
1 Quarter Credit = 10 clock hours
1 DHS Credit = 1 clock hour
1 Unit = 1 clock hour
To be eligible to apply for your first CDA, you need:
12 CEUs = 120 clock hours
8 Semester Credits = 120 clock hours
12 Quarter Credits = 120 clock hours
Before scheduling your CDA Exam, you must receive a “Ready to Schedule” notice from the Council. Once you have received this notice you are ready to schedule your CDA Exam. To schedule please visit the Pearson VUE website to find the testing center near you or call (866) 507-5627.
The CDA Exam has 65 multiple-choice questions – 60 questions and 5 scenario questions (with a short narrative and photo). The Candidate will have up to one hour and 45 minutes to complete the exam. The only computer-based skill needed to take the Exam is the ability to point and click a mouse. The exam requires no scrolling, typing or even double-clicking. Click here to review a short exam tutorial and see how easy it will be to complete the CDA Exam at a testing center.
Need help studying? The Essentials Study Guide Bundle includes the Essentials for Working with Young Children textbook and the Essential Workbook, the textbook addresses every question on the exam and the workbook has sample test questions to further assist Candidates successfully study for the CDA Exam. Don’t miss out on these great study guides available in the Council Bookstore.
Before scheduling the CDA Verification Visit with your CDA PD Specialist, you must receive a “Ready to Schedule” notice from the Council. Once you have received this notice you can contact your CDA PD Specialist to schedule the CDA Verification Visit.
During the CDA Verification Visit, the CDA PD Specialist will:
If you applied online, once you have located a new CDA PD Specialist, please log into the YourCDA online application system to edit the CDA PD Specialist information.
If you applied by mail, once you have located a new CDA PD Specialist, please call the Customer Support Team with the new PD Specialist ID number to update your account.
If you need help locating a new CDA PD Specialist, please visit the Find-a-PD Specialist Online Directory.
There is no set timeframe for the Council to make a credentialing decision, as there are a number of factors that may delay the process. Generally, once a Candidate has successfully completed the CDA Exam and Verification Visit, the scores are transmitted to the Council within 24-48 hours. If there are no errors nor missing information, the credentialing decision may take 1-3 business days.
If there is an error or information is missing, the review process to retrieve missing items and/or correct errors may take a minimum of 4-6 weeks for a credentialing decision to be made.
The Council will send a courtesy email reminder when it is time to renew your CDA credential. However, this email is a courtesy and is not guaranteed, nor should it be the sole reminder for renewing your CDA Credential. To help ensure you do not miss these courtesy reminders, please make sure the Council always has your current email on file.
Yes, the observation must take place at the center or home where the Candidate works or volunteers with children. The Review and Reflection can take place in a quiet place outside of the classroom. The Candidate will need to prepare ahead of time to have another teacher cover their classroom during the Review and Reflection portion of the CDA Verification Visit. Please note: The CDA Verification Visit does not take place until the Candidate applies and receives a Ready to Schedule notice from the Council.
Candidates do not receive a pass or fail score on the CDA Exam and Verification Visit. Rather, the Council comprehensively evaluates how Candidates score in each of the thirteen CDA Functional Areas on the CDA Exam and during the CDA Verification Visit to make a credentialing decision.
The CDA Credential assessment fee is nonrefundable.
You will be notified by mail of your credentialing decision.
If the Council determines that your cumulative score does not meet the credentialing requirement, you will be notified by mail with information regarding the decision and appeal procedures.
The decision about whether to issue a CDA credential will be made after weighing all evidence of the Candidate’s competence. The CDA Exam is only one part of the evidence. Other evidence of stronger skills may balance evidence of weaker skills and competence.
After the Council receives the scores for both your CDA Exam and Verification Visit, the Council calculates a cumulative score to determine your final credentialing decision.
The CDA Credential is valid for a period of three years.
After doing a study of industry standards for credential and certification renewals, the Council concluded three years is an efficient amount of time to reevaluate the continued professional development and performance of early educators. The early care and education profession is very delicate and it is imperative for early educators to stay up to date with the latest theories, research/studies, appropriate practices and latest trends in the early childhood education field. The continuous professional development of CDA Credential holders is a must to ensure the quality of care and education provided to our nation’s youngest children.
The Council for Professional Recognition does not provide training nor do we specifically endorse any training program or CDA curriculum. It is the Candidate’s responsibility to evaluate and select a training organization, agency or institution to complete their training.
While formal education hours can be for credit or noncredit, they must be earned through an agency or organization with expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. The Council does not accept training provided by individual consultants.
Continuing Education Units (CEUS) are units of education awarded for participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. CEUs are noncredit educational experiences. While the Council does not require agencies to receive approval from The International Association for Continuing Education Training (IACET), it is strongly recommended their training guidelines are followed when issuing CEU credits.
One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is equal to ten (10) contact hours of study.
A clock hour is equivalent to 60 minutes (1 hour). You can gain clock hours by participating in a wide variety of training courses available in the field, including in-service workshops and association-sponsored events that offer continuing education units, course credit, or clock hours.
Credit hours are semester long classes at an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university.
All training must have been taken under the auspices of an early childhood training agency that has expertise in teacher preparation. Official documentation of the training must be provided in the form of a certificate, letter on official letterhead or a college transcript.
Training documentation should include the following: Training agency’s name and address (seal/logo), Candidate’s name, date of the training session(s), content area, number of hours successfully completed, and an authorized signature.
The ECE Reviewer is an early childhood professional who meets the proper educational and work experience qualifications provided in the CDA Renewal Procedures Guide. Please click here for a detailed description of the CDA renewal process.
Please visit the following link for a detailed description of the CDA Renewal Process.
Yes, our online system will allow you to renew multiple credentials online as long as you are within your renewal application window.
Yes, because documentation must be specific to the credential type. Candidates renewing more than one CDA Credential must submit a separate paper application per credential type. Each application must be accompanied by the renewal processing fee.
You may submit a renewal application as early as six months prior to the expiration of your CDA Credential. If you have two or more CDA Credentials that expire within the same six month timeframe, yes you can renew both CDA Credentials at the same time.
You can only renew in the setting of the CDA Credential for which you were awarded, renewing in a different is not permitted. If you are working in a different setting other than the one for which you received your CDA Credential, you must apply for an initial CDA Credential in the new setting.
You can only renew in the setting of the CDA Credential for which you were awarded, renewing in a different setting is not permitted. If you would like to obtain a second credential in a different setting, you must apply for an initial CDA Credential in the new setting.
The ECE Reviewer should be someone you know who meets the eligibility requirements provided in the CDA Renewal Packet and has knowledge of your work with children. Your ECE reviewer can be your Director, Education Specialist or even a teacher that works in another classroom.
If you are applying online you must upload your documents directly your application.
If you applying by mail you must mail all of your documents along with your application and renewal fee.
The Council accepts three (3) forms of verification of coursework:
a. College or University transcript (Transcript must include the college or university’s name and the renewal Candidate’s name. In addition, the course must reflect successful completion.)
b. Verification letter on the training agency’s official letterhead, which includes original signature, title and contact information of person verifying training.
c. Training Verification Form (official form included in this packet) – This form should be used by CDA Candidates with training certificates and/or training obtained from multiple sources.
Note: Training documentation must specify training is specify to your credential type
Anyone within your center/program who has the authority to review your training record can complete this form for you. For example, the Center Director, Assistant Director, Education Specialist, Training Coordinator, Supervisor.
This authorized staff person must review your training documentation and ensure it meets the Council’s documentation requirements (included on the form) before completing the form.
For Family Child Care providers, the ECE Reviewer may complete this form.
In order to renew your credential you must demonstrate that you have maintained your competence in educating and caring for young children in the setting of your original credential. Therefore, the training you submit for your renewal must be specific to the setting of your original credential.
If you hold a Preschool credential, the training you submit for renewal must be Preschool specific.
Yes, the requirement for all renewal Candidates is that they be certified in First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatrics) CPR.
No, to fulfill this requirement, the course you take must requires that you meet face to face with an instructor in order to obtain your certification.
The Council does accept “blend” courses or “hybrid” courses to fulfill this requirement as you are still required to meet with an instructor to demonstrate your skills.
If you are applying on-line, you will submit your payment once you haven completed the application process. The system will not allow you to submit your payment before the application is complete.
If you are applying via paper, you must submit your application, fee, and all renewal documents together in one envelope.
Mailing payment separately can result in delays in processing your application.
The ECE Reviewer is writing the letter of recommendation based on your work with children within the past year. You have selected this person because they have firsthand knowledge of your current work with children. They should be familiar enough with you and your work with children in order to verify that you have worked at least 80 hours with children within the past year.
You are not required to show the ECE Reviewer proof of your hour. However, if the ECE Reviewer requests documentation before verifying your hours, you will need to provide them with the requested proof.
Yes, the Council will accept pictures as proof of documentation. Please make sure that the pictures that are uploaded provide clear images.
As long as you have not clicked the PROCEED button in the Document Verification section of your online application, you may replace the documents you uploaded.
If you have already clicked PROCEED in the Document Verification section of the online application, you will have to wait until after the on-line application process is complete and the Council has reviewed your documents.
There is no need to efax or email documents to the Council. The on-line renewal application allows Candidates to conveniently and easily upload documents directly to the application.
The Council accept most file types. However PDF files or pictures are preferred. Please note, files submitted must not be editable (i.e. word documents).
Proof of documented work experience is not required. However, if you do not have knowledge that the Candidate has worked at least 80 hours with children within the past year, you may request documented proof of work experience.
In order to have your last name updated you must submit proof of change of last name. The document submitted must be a legal document that shows both your previous last name and your current last name. (ie marriage certificate or divorce decree)
Our online system does not currently accept check payments. To pay your application fee with a check or money order, you are required to submit a paper renewal application and pay the $150 renewal processing fee.
There is no set timeframe for the Council to process CDA Renewal applications, as there are a number of factors that may delay the process. Generally, once a Candidate has successfully submitted their renewal application, if the information is accurate and free of errors or missing information the credentialing decision may take 2-4 weeks. However, this greatly depends on the volume of applications we have at the time your application is received.
If you are applying online, you will be able to log into the YourCDA online application system to check your status at any time. Please allow a minimum of 2-4 weeks from the time your documents are submitted for a credentialing decision.
If you are applying by mail, please allow a minimum of 4-6 weeks from the time your application is mailed for a credentialing decision.
The Council will send a courtesy email reminder when it is time to renew your CDA credential. However, this email is a courtesy and is not guaranteed, nor should it be the sole reminder for renewing your CDA Credential. To help ensure you do not miss these courtesy reminders, please make sure the Council always has your current email on file.
The renewal fee is a processing fee. Once you have submitted payment, the fee cannot be refunded.
There are a number of benefits for Candidates who choose to apply online, including:
Click here to for instructions on how to apply online for your initial CDA Credential.
To apply for your initial CDA Credential, the cost is $425 for online applications and $500 for paper applications. CDA candidates save $75 by applying online!
To apply online you will need:
Credit cards and electronic checks can be processed completely online within YourCDA.
We will also accept personal checks, money orders and vouchers. These forms of payment require an additional step and cannot be processed completely online. To submit payment in one of these three forms you will need to:
Yes, however, this form of payment requires an additional step and cannot be processed completely online. To submit a scholarship or purchase order payment you will need to:
Go to the YourCDA login screen and under the login button, click “forgot username or password” link. Complete the requested information and an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password.
Try registering again to make sure that you entered your right email address.
Some email addresses have tight security and might filter out the temporary password message. You can prevent this by:
Sometimes it’s fastest to use another email address. For example, Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail. You can easily set up another email address if needed.
Make sure to disable the pop up blockers on your computer. Click here for further instructions.
Go to step 2 of the application and click “edit”. Please make sure that your Director’s email address is correct. If not, correct it and resend request.
If the email address is correct, then your Director’s security settings are preventing the request from arriving. Please ask your Director to place on his or her safe list or use a different email address for your Director.
Please notify the Council by email: In your email, please include your full name, PD Specialist name, ID number, and email address.
Please use the following formulas to convert your clock hours to training hours:
1 CEU = 10 clock hours
1 Semester Credit = 15 clock hours
1 Quarter Credit = 10 clock hours
1 DHS Credit = 1 clock hour
1 Unit = 1 clock hour
To be eligible to apply for your first CDA, you need:
12 CEUs = 120 clock hours
8 Semester Credits = 120 clock hours
12 Quarter Credits = 120 clock hours
You will receive a Ready to Schedule notice via email and your status in your online application will also be updated. Once you receive the Ready to Schedule notice, you have Council approval to schedule your CDA Exam and Verification Visit.
Login to the YourCDA online application system. In the “Messages” section, create a new message and click submit. This message will automatically be submitted to the Council for review.
Login to the YourCDA online application system. Across the top, you will see a set of icons, the last highlighted icon is where you are in the CDA credentialing process. Once your payment is accepted, you will receive a “Ready to Schedule” notice letting you know you are Council approved to schedule your CDA Exam and Verification Visit.
There are a number of benefits for Candidates who choose to apply online, including:
Click here to for instructions on how to apply online for your renewal CDA Credential.
If you, at any time, applied for a second setting credential you will be unable to apply for CDA renewal online. You will need to purchase a Renewal Package and apply online.
If the above does not apply to, please contact for assistance.
By choosing to apply online, CDA renewal Candidate receive a $25 discount on the assessment fee. The cost to apply online to renew your CDA Credential is $125.
To apply online you will need:
Unfortunately, our online system will only allow you to renew the first CDA Credential that you were awarded. Your second CDA Credential will have to be renewed by submitting a paper application. For example, if you received a center-based Preschool CDA Credential on June 1, 2012 and received a center-based Infant and Toddler CDA Credential on October 1, 2012 you will only be able to renew your center-based Preschool CDA Credential online.
The application fee can be paid with a credit card and/or a voucher number issued by a sponsoring agency.
Please note: A sponsoring agency must have an online agency account in YourCouncil to issue voucher numbers to CDA initial and renewal candidates.
A sponsoring or scholarship agency can pay the online application fee by issuing the CDA candidate a voucher code in YourCouncil.
Please note: A sponsoring or scholarship agency must have an online agency account in YourCouncil to issue voucher numbers to CDA initial and renewal candidates.
Go to the YourCDA login screen and under the login button, click “forgot username or password” link. Complete the requested information and an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password.
Try registering again to make sure that you entered your right email address.
Some email addresses have tight security and might filter out the temporary password message. You can prevent this by:
Sometimes it’s fastest to use another email address. For example, Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail. You can easily set up another email address if needed.
Make sure to disable the pop up blockers on your computer. Click here for further instructions.
Go to step 2 of the application and click “edit”. Please make sure that your ECE Reviewer’s email address is correct. If not, correct it and resend request.
If the email address is correct, then your ECE Reviewer’s security settings are preventing the request from arriving. Please ask your ECE Reviewer to place on his or her safe list or use a different email address for your ECE Reviewer.
To renew, you must be able to provide documented proof of 4.5 CEUS, 45 Clock hours, or a three credit hour college course in Early Childhood Education or Child Development. A combination of the credit types may be used.
Please use the following formulas to convert your training units to clock hours:
1 CEU = 10 clock hours
1 Semester Credit = 15 clock hours
1 Quarter Credit = 10 clock hours
Once you complete your application through to your payment, YourCDA will generate a cover letter with a list of items you need to submit to the Council. Whether you choose to fax, email or mail the supporting documents you must include your cover letter with your submission.
Login to the YourCDA online application system. In the “Messages” section, create a new message and click submit. This message will automatically be submitted to the Council for review.
Login to the YourCDA online application system. Across the top, you will see a set of icons, the last highlighted icon is where you are in the CDA credentialing process. Once your payment is accepted, you will be able to print the YourCDA cover letter which will give you information on how to submit your documents.
Council Bookstore purchases are nonreturnable and nonrefundable. All orders are final.
You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. The Council Bookstore now accepts online orders up to $10,000. We can ship orders anywhere in the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. All publications are shipped via UPS Ground, please allow 10-14 business days to receive your order. Our shipping charges are flat rate based on the cost of your purchase. For international shipping (including the US Virgin Islands and other US territories) or bookstore questions contact us at (202) 265-9090.
Please be advised: As of January 1, 2014, a 5.75% sales tax will be added to all publication orders shipped to addresses in the District of Columbia. The 5.75% sales tax also applies to publications sold and picked up in person from the Council for Professional Recognition headquarters in Washington, DC.
This sales tax policy does not apply to:
military bases
tax exempt organizations who have an IRS Determination letter on file with the Council and are submitting payment via purchase order
resale organizations who have a resale certificate on file with the Council and are submitting payment via purchase order
Please contact the Council immediately at (202) 265-9090 or via email at
Please contact the Council immediately at (202) 265-9090 or via email at
We respect your privacy. Any and all information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, disclosed to third parties or reused without your permission. Any information you give to us will be held with care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to.
The Council for Professional Recognition does not offer bulk pricing discounts on book or merchandise orders. During the year, the Council offers discounts from time to time from our online bookstore. These discounts range from 10 – 30%, and apply to online orders only. Please visit our What’s New page and subscribe to our monthly CounciLINK newsletter to stay informed.
Being a PD Specialist allows me to share my expertise and genuine love of early childhood education. Being a PD Specialist is my Occupassion!
- Sherilynn Kimble, PD Specialist
I had been working with children for about three years when I was given the opportunity to obtain my CDA. During the process I was able to gain so much knowledge about all aspects of caring for chil.
- Tanesha Sanders, Texas
I started working at the University of Dubuque Childcare Center in October of 2009. I was hired as a floater to work with three age groups, Infants, Toddlers, and Twos. In August of 2010, I was assign.
- Rhonda Baule, Iowa
The great thing about having a CDA is that it is a national certification. I started in Florida and then moved to Louisiana where it was recognized and did help me in finding a job at the local Child .
- Kendra Barnes, Louisiana
Starting a new job in the childcare arena was exciting! I knew that I enjoyed working with children, and it was a great opportunity to stay at home with my daughter. One year turned into two, and befo.
- Traci McNeil, Ohio
I am an Assistant VPK Teacher with a local childcare group. I had a director who encouraged me to get my CDA. My short journey had begun. I, too, was a little hesitant and fearful of failing when I sa.
- Gloria Williams, Florida
It is well worth it. When I received my Certificate for my Nationals in the mail, I cried I was so happy. I would also like to Thank my Director and my Assistant Director for really supporting me.
- Donna Hayes, Florida
The journey I take with my Preschoolers each day assures me that I have chosen the right profession. Their destination will be greatly influenced by their dreams and their education. I hope that I can.
- Sherry King, Florida
Council for Professional Recognition
1441 L Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
+1 800-424-4310
" * " indicates required fields
Vice President of Strategic Alliances
Elisa Shepherd is the Vice President of Strategic Alliances at the Council, where she leads initiatives to advance the Council’s mission and strategic plan through designing, managing, and executing a comprehensive stakeholder relationship strategy.
With over 25 years of experience in early childhood education (ECE), Elisa has dedicated her career to developing impactful programs, professional development opportunities, and public policies that support working families, young children, and ECE staff. Before joining the Council, Elisa held numerous roles within the childcare industry. Most recently, she served as Associate Vice President at The Learning Experience and as Senior Manager at KinderCare Education, where she influenced government affairs and public policies across 40 states.
Elisa’s commitment to leadership is reflected in her external roles on the Early Care and Education Consortium Board of Directors, the Florida Chamber Foundation Board of Trustees, and as the DEI Caucus Leader for KinderCare Education. She has been recognized as an Emerging Leader in Early Childhood by Childcare Exchange’s Leadership Initiative.
Elisa earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a focus on child development from Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Andrew Davis serves as Chief Operating Officer at the Council. In this role, Andrew oversees the Programs Division, which includes the following operational functions: credentialing, growth and business development, marketing and communications, public policy and advocacy, research, innovation, and customer relations.
Andrew has over 20 years of experience in the early care and education field. Most recently, Andrew served as Senior Vice President of Partnership and Engagement with Acelero Learning and Shine Early Learning, where he led the expansion of state and community-based partnerships to produce more equitable systems of service delivery, improved programmatic quality, and greater outcomes for communities, children and families. Prior to that, he served as Director of Early Learning at Follett School Solutions.
Andrew earned his MBA from the University of Baltimore and Towson University and his bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland – University College.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Jan Bigelow serves as Chief Financial Officer at the Council and has been with the organization since February of 2022.
Jan has more than 30 years in accounting and finance experience, including public accounting, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. She has held management-level positions with BDO Seidman, Kiplinger Washington Editors, Pew Center for Global Climate Change, Communities In Schools, B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and American Humane. Since 2003, Jan has worked exclusively in the non-profit sector where she has been a passionate advocate in improving business operations in order to further the mission of her employers.
Jan holds a CPA from the State of Virginia and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lycoming College. She resides in Alexandria VA with her husband and dog.
Vice President of People and Culture
Janie Payne is the Vice President of People and Culture for the Council for Professional Recognition. Janie is responsible for envisioning, developing, and executing initiatives that strategically manage talent and culture to align people strategies with the overarching business vision of the Council. Janie is responsible for driving organizational excellence through strategic talent practices, orchestrating workforce planning, talent acquisition, performance management as well as a myriad of other Human Resources Programs. She is accountable for driving effectiveness by shaping organizational structure for optimal efficiency. Janie oversees strategies that foster a healthy culture to include embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of the organization.
In Janie’s prior role, she was the Vice President of Administration at Equal Justice Works, where she was responsible for leading human resources, financial operations, facilities management, and information technology. She was also accountable for developing and implementing Equal Justice Works Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy focused on attracting diverse, mission-oriented talent and creating an inclusive and equitable workplace environment. With more than fifteen years of private, federal, and not-for-profit experience, Janie is known for her intuitive skill in administration management, human resources management, designing and leading complex system change, diversity and inclusion, and social justice reform efforts.
Before joining Equal Justice Works, Janie was the Vice President of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer for Global Communities, where she was responsible for the design, implementation, and management of integrated HR and diversity strategies. Her work impacted employees in over twenty-two countries. She was responsible for the effective management of different cultural, legal, regulatory, and economic systems for both domestic and international employees. Prior to Global Communities, Janie enjoyed a ten-year career with the federal government. As a member of the Senior Executive Service, she held key strategic human resources positions with multiple cabinet-level agencies and served as an advisor and senior coach to leaders across the federal sector. In these roles, she received recognition from management, industry publications, peers, and staff for driving the creation and execution of programs that created an engaged and productive workforce.
Janie began her career with Verizon Communications (formerly Bell Atlantic), where she held numerous roles of increasing responsibility, where she directed a diversity program that resulted in significant improvement in diversity profile measures. Janie was also a faculty member for the company’s Black Managers Workshop, a training program designed to provide managers of color with the skills needed to overcome barriers to their success that were encountered because of race. She initiated a company-wide effort to establish team-based systems and structures to impact corporate bottom line results which was recognized by the Department of Labor. Janie was one of the first African American women to be featured on the cover of Human Resources Executive magazine.
Janie received her M.A. in Organization Development from American University. She holds numerous professional development certificates in Human Capital Management and Change Management, including a Diversity and Inclusion in Human Resources certificate from Cornell University. She completed the year-long Maryland Equity and Inclusion Leadership Program sponsored by The Schaefer Center for Public Policy and The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights. She is a trained mediator and Certified Professional Coach. She is a graduate of Leadership America, former board chair of the NTL Institute and currently co-steward of the organization’s social justice community of practice, and a member of The Society for Human Resource Management. Additionally, Janie is the Board Chairperson for the Special Education Citizens Advisory Council for Prince Georges County where she is active in developing partnerships that facilitate discussion between parents, families, educators, community leaders, and the PG County school administration to enhance services for students with disabilities which is her passion. She and her husband Randolph reside in Fort Washington Maryland.