Add LDAP Configuration

Use the Add LDAP Configuration window to configure the LDAP servers on your network. You can access this window from the Control > Access Control tab. Expand the Configuration > Configurations > AAA > LDAP Configurations folder in the right panel and select Add. You can also access this window from the Manage LDAP Configurations tab. Any changes made in this window are written immediately to the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database.

NOTE: If you are using LDAPS, your ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine / ExtremeControl environment must be configured to accept the new LDAPS server certificate. For information, see Server Certificate Trust Mode in the Secure Communications Help topic.

Add or Edit LDAP Configuration Window

Configuration Name Enter a name for the LDAP configuration. LDAP Connection URLs Use this table to add, edit, or delete connection URLs for the LDAP server and any backup servers you have configured. (The backup servers are redundant servers containing the same directory information.) Use the Up and Down arrows to arrange the order that the URLs are listed.

The format for the connection URL is ldap://host:port where host equals hostname or IP address, and the default port is 389. For example, ldap:// . If you are using a secure connection, the format is ldaps://host:port and the default port is 636. For example, ldaps:// . If you are using LDAPS, your ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine / ExtremeControl environment must be configured to accept the new LDAPS server certificate. For information, see Server Certificate Trust Mode in the Secure Communications Help topic. If the LDAPS server URL uses FQDN then the LDAPS client (of both Access Control Engine and ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine ) presents the Internal Communication Certificate to the LDAPS server. The best practice is to use a trusted certificate if the LDAPS URL is defined with FQDN, otherwise the LDAPS server may not accept the LDAPs connection. If the LDAPS server URL uses IP address then the LDAPS client (of both Access Control Engine and ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine ) does not present the Internal Communication Certificate to the LDAPs server.

  1. Configure the interval and timeout for the test. See NTLM Health Check.
  2. Select NTLM Health Check.
  3. Enter the Username, Password, and theDomain to use for the health check tests.
  4. Select OK.

The Access Control Engine expects a positive response from the domain controller for the health check authentication. If timeout happens or a negative response is received, the failover occurs and the Access Control Lost Partial Contact with LDAP Service alarm is generated.

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